Black Cats
A site dedicated to the U.S. Navy PBY Catalinas fighting in the Pacific during World War II.

Daves Warbirds – Black Cat PBY's
Web site dedicated to the PBY Catalina Black Cats squadrons of WWII. With a collection of stories from Black Cat books and magazine articles.

Dornier Wal Flying Boats
If you are looking for information about the Dornier Wal flying boats, this is the site to go to. It also gives details of the book Dornier Wal - a Light coming over the Sea written by M. Michiel van der Me

IWM Duxford
Duxford is Europe's premier aviation museum - as well as having one of the finest collections of tanks, military vehicles and naval exhibits in the country.

Kiwi Aircraft Images
Original aircraft images from New Zealand. There are currently over 4,000 images of 190 different aircraft types available.

PBY Catalina International Association
The PBY CIA is a non-profit organization whose mandate is to promote enjoyable camaraderie within the Catalina flying-boat international community and within the purview of non-political relations or commercial gain.

PBY Memorial Foundation
The PBY Memorial Foundation wants to bring a PBY back to the seaplane base as a living tribute to her great contribution in WWII.

A site is for PBY enthusiasts and researchers.

PH-PBY Catalina Homepage
The Catalina PH-PBY Foundation promotes the conservation of this seaplane, and offers flights to sponsors and contributors

Poole Flying Boats
A celebration of the civil and military flying boats that operated out of Poole Harbour in Dorset in times gone by.

San Diego Air & Space Museum
Your journey through the history of flight begins as you stand beneath a model of the Montgolfier Brothers' hot air balloon of 1783 - the first vehicle in recorded history to break the bonds of gravity and lift living beings above the Earth.

Save the Canso
A non-profit organization, Fairview Aircraft Restoration Society (FARS), was formed to be the operating wing of the Canso PBY-5A, C-FNJE.

US Navy Patrol Squadrons
VPNAVY is a site dedicated to the men and women of the United States Navy flying "ASW" (VP/VPB) Patrol Aircraft (past and present).

Warbird Alley
An online reference source for information about airworthy, privately-owned, ex-military aircraft.